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  • Writer's pictureAfifa Ahmed

Here's to 2020... and 2021.

This week is the last week before winter break, and it is the final stretch. I finished my original work project last week, and I am pretty happy with how it turned out. My research paper ended up being longer than I anticipated, and that is thanks to a book that I found about traumatic brain injuries and different types of factors pre and post-injury that change how a traumatic brain injury presents itself. Along with the paper, the research I had conducted turned out to be enough and just the right amount I needed for my brochure. My original work project is linked in its entirety on the original work tab if you would like to check it out.

This week and throughout winter break, my primary goal is setting up more interviews. After doing interviews, hopefully, I can find someone suitable to be my mentor as my previous options did not work out. I want to start 2021 with my ISM journey on a pedestal, and I hope that all turns out well.

This is my last blog for 2020 and I am extremely grateful for all the opportunities this year has given me, despite what all it has put a stop to as well.

See you in 2021,


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